May Robertson - The University of Sydney
Chris Stueven - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Colin Anderson - Kapish

Aviator Theatre 1: Business Information Value |
Information Management & Governance (Continued)
Aviator Theatre 1: Business Information Value |
Information Management & Governance (Continued)
Diamond Partner & Customer Experience Spotlight - Kapish and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Join the Head of Channel and Partner Sales, Colin Anderson from Kapish and Chris Stueven, Manager, Records and Information Management at CSIRO, as they present the story of CSIRO's migration to Kapish Content Manager Cloud. This project signified a commitment to innovation and information management, ensuring CSIRO can efficiently manage diverse enterprise and research information.
CSIRO is Australia's leading scientific research organisation and it aimed to evolve its records and information management practices. Kapish’s cloud solution for OpenText Content Manager provided the ideal solution. Kapish’s Content Manager Cloud is a cutting edge, cloud-based platform offering seamless integration, customisable configurations and independently IRAP-Assessed for managing ISM-PROTECTED information. With over 6,000 staff across Australia, CSIRO required a solution that was proven to operate at scale to support a large and geographically diverse user base. Kapish’s Content Manager Cloud already supported the migration of some of the larger OpenText Content Manager user bases in Australia allowing CSIRO to embark upon this project with the upmost confidence. Kapish now supports over 25% of the Australian Federal Government OpenText Content Manager user community.
Customer Experience Spotlight - Wodonga TAFE: Leading information management digital transformation in education
Join Vanessa Flanagan from Wodonga TAFE as she presents the institution's five-year digital transformation journey, highlighting the evolution from TRIM 3.4 to Content Manager 23.4 SaaS Cloud. The presentation will cover significant milestones in record collection, compliance, and system integration, including managing unused SharePoint and Teams sites and enhancing security and accessibility. Vanessa will share key strategies, challenges, and successful outcomes that have positioned Wodonga TAFE at the forefront of digital transformation in the education sector.
Customer Experience Spotlight - A Q&A on Exploring AI in Records and Information Management with University of Sydney
While AI has been on the event horizon for records and information management for a few years now, all of a sudden, it is now within reach - landing fair and square on the planning agenda for many organisations. In this session, May Robertson from the University of Sydney and Jaimie Tilbrook, EmcompasS, will explore some key considerations when planning your AI strategy for Records and Information Management, including data quality, AI myths, trust and the opportunity to satisfy compliance obligations at scale. As an experienced Records Manager and Archivist now navigating the learning curve of AI, May will share her early insights and experiences as a practitioner.
Aviator Theatre 1